Monday, March 29, 2010

Walk with christ day two

Ok day two of the walk with christ activity for those of you just reading Im doing an activity where you walk with christ the last seven days of his life. Its been really interesting and uplifting so far.
Day two
Day of authority
Jesus Christ returns to the temple and drives the moneychangers from the outer court
read Matthew 21:12-15
thought- we all have things we need to cleanse from our lives each day. this is why our loving heavenly father provided us with the opportunity to repent. Are there things that you need to "cast out" of your "temple"?
challenge- today I will choose one thing that I need to cleanse from my life and sincerely repent and strive to do better
Envelope 2
the card files
in that place between wakefulness and dreams, i found myself in the room. there were no features except for the one wall covered by small index card files. these files stretched from floor to ceiling and went endlessly in both directions. as i drew near the wall of files the first to catch my attention was one that read "boys I have liked" I opened it and began flipping through the cards. I quickly shut it shocked to realize that i recognized the names on each one. i then realized where i was this lifeless room with its small files was a crude catalogue system of my life. here were written the actions of my every moment, big and small in every detail. a sense of wonder and curiosity mixed with horror stirred within me as i began opening files and looking at their contents. . some brought joy and sweet memories others a sense of shame and regret so intense that i looked over my shoulder to see if anyone was watching.
a file named friends was next to the one marked friends i have betrayed the titles ranged from the mundane to the weird. books i have read lies i have told comfort i have given. jokes i have laughed at. people i have hurt. some were almost funny in their exactness
things i have done in anger. things i have muttered under my breath at my parents. often there were many more cards than i expected. sometimes fewer than i had hoped i was overwhelmed by the volume of life i had lived. could it be possible that i had the time in my young life to write each of these thousands of millions of cards? but each card confirmed this truth each was written in my own handwriting each signed with my signature.
when i pulled out the file marked songs i have listened too. i realized the files grew to contain the contents. the cards were packed tightly yet after two or three yards i hadnt found the end of the file. i shut it shamed not so much of the quality music but more by the amount fo time i knew it represented. when i came to a file marked "lustful thoughts" i felt a chill run through my body i pulled the file out inch by inch not willing to test its size and drew out a card.

I shuddered at the details. I felt sick to think that such a moment had been recorded a rage broke through me no one must see these cards no one must ever see this room. i have to destroy them. in a frenzy i yanked the file out its size didnt matter now i had to empty it and burn the cards. i took it out and pounded it on the floor not a single card would come outi desperately pulled out a card and tried to rip it but it was strong as steel.
leaning my forehead against the wall i let out a sigh then i saw it the title "people i have shared the gospel with: the handles were brighter than those around it newer almost unused i pulled on its handle a small box fell into my hands. i could count the the cards it contained on one hand. and then the tears came. i began to cry sobbing so deep it hurt my stomach i fell on my knees and cried out in shame the rows of shelves whirled around me. no one must ever know of this room. i must lock it up and hide the key. But as i pushed away the tears i saw him no please not here oh anyone but jesus i watched helplessly as he began to open the files and read the cards. i couldnt bear to watch his response in the moments that i could bring myself to look at his face i saw sorrow deeper that my own he seemed to go to the worst boxes. why did he have to read every one finally he turned and looked at me with pity in his eyes
but this wasnt a pity that angered me i dropped my head and began to cry again but he didnt say a word he just cried with me then he got up and walked back to the wall of files starting at one end of the room he took our a card and one by one he began to sign his name over mine.
No i shouted rushing at him all i could find to say was no no as i pulled th card from him his name shouldnt be on those cards. but there it was written in red so rich so dark so alive the name jesus covered mine. it was written with his blood
he gently took the cards back he smiled a sad smile and began to sign all the cards. i do not think i will ever understand how did it so quickly but the next instance it seemed i heard him close the last file and walk back to my side he placed his hand on my shoulder and said "it is finished" I stood up and he led me out of the room there was no lock on the door. there are still cards to be written...

I love this story repentance is a huge part of my testimony I know that Jesus Christ died for our sins so that he could save us. Thinking of being that girl in that room and how it would have felt to have Jesus say it is finished and the relief and the shame and sadness that she must have felt knowing that jesus had the power to do that but shamed and sad that he had to do it.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

walk with christ

So my aunt and uncle are doing an easter activity that I love so I thought I would share it with all of you. Starting today (the sunday before easter) We will be walking with christ through his last seven days on Earth. so here is the description starting this sunday and for each day this week, take a few minutes out of each morning to open the numbered envelope and the corresponding easter egg and read the contents. Have your scriptures handy and a scripture marking pencil. read the indicated scriptures and write your insights into your journal think about the challenges and try to incoporate them into your day keeping christ in your thoughts. put the slip of paper that we have put in each egg on your mirror to remind you. make personal progress a part of this journey. the nature of this activity is such that you will get out of it exactly what you put in. may you blessed with a greater understanding of the saviors life and feel an increase in love and gratitude for his sacrifice.

Day one
day of recognition
Jesus Christ rides through the city gates at Jerusalem and is greeted by followers waving palm fronds as a welcome to their king. He vists the temple
Read Matthew 21:6-11
thought- would we be one of those who cheered as christ rode into the city or would we ask "who is this?" How well do you know the savior?
challenge- I will think of christ more often and make my prayers more meaningful so that i may come to know him better. I love this challenge How many times do we pray but not really think about what were saying? Its just the same words over and over are we praying to have a conversation with god and Jesus Christ or are we just praying because were supposed too?
Envelope one-what it means to know christ
A man passes away and was resurrected and waiting in a room to be interviewed another man was ahead of him. the door opened the man entered the door closed the interviewer began. I want you to tell me what you know about Jesus Christ.
well, he was born of a virgin in bethlehem he lived thirty three years spending the last three in his ministry organizing his church choosing his apostles to direct it giving the gospel to direct out lives.
the interviewer stopped him and said yes, yes thats all true but i want you to tell me what you know about jesus christ.
well, he was tortured and crucified that we might have eternal life. three days later he was resurrected that we might return to our heavenly father.
Yes,yes that is true but i want you to tell me what you know about jesus christ. the man a little perplexed again began well he restored the gospel in its fullness through joseph smith reorganized his church, gave us temples wherein we might do work to save our dead. he gave us family prayer and family home evening where we might unite with our families. he gave us the priesthood to heal the sick and personal ordinances for our salvation and exaltation.
the interviewer again stopped him and said all of what you have said to me is true. the man was then invited to leave the room. after he left the door opened and the second man entered. as he approached the interviewer he fell upon his knees and cried, "My lord, My god."

Would we recognize christ if we walked into that room?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

you learn something new everyday

So today in institute we were discussing goals and my institute teacher challenged us to write down 100 things we want to accomplish before we die they could be little things or big things. things we thought we would probably never accomplish but would like to or something that we are very near to accomplishing so I decided to start my list I havent quite gotten to a hundred but I would like to post some of them on here so I can go back later and see how I did in accomplishing them if I accomplish any of them lol.
Hike Havasupi
Get a bachelors degree from BYU
Hike Zions
Become an EMT
Graduate from institute
Be on a dance company again at least for a year
Get a PHD (not quite sure in what yet)
Go on a mission
Get married in the temple
Be a woman of prayer
be an RN
become either an institute teacher or teach world religion on a college level
Always be worthy to enter the temple
Get organized (if you know me you know im terrible at this)
repay my school loans as quickly as possible
Teach a dance class
Own my own dance studio
Be on a professional dance company
Learn to love myself for me not what anyone else thinks of me
Teach my children the gospel
Vist every country
Live a year in England
Own a red or pink vw bug
Read all of the books on the BBC list of books you should read
Volunteer my services as an RN to third world countries that need my help
Continue learning getting as many degrees as I am financially and time wise able to
Become a public speaker
Become a motivational speaker
write a book
learn to draw
learn to sew
learn to cook
become a pastry chef
own a bookstore
read the book of mormon every day even if its just a verse a night
run a marathon
run the st george marathon
build a house with habitat for humanity
act in a play
act in a movie
dance in a movie
learn to sing
own my own house
never go into debt again even for school
own my own car
learn to change a car tire
learn to change the oil
vist all fifty states
write in a journal every day
vist every temple

those are only a few of the things I have listed but I loved this challenge it really made me think about what I wanted to accomplish I hadnt really thought about how many opportunities I really had available to me. I can accomplish and do whatever I set my mind too. My life is so different than what I had envisioned in high school. I always thought I would get married within two to four years of getting out of high school and then have a family. College was just to kind of pass the time until my life started. I now want completely different things. I still want to get married but Im not just waiting for it to happen. I want to go on a mission I want to get as much education as I can. I want to make the world a better place. I have never felt this on fire before its nice to finally have some direction in my life instead of worrying about the stupid things I did in high school like being on the cheer team or who won the game on Friday. I loved high school I had some awesome experiences but its time to let it go and move on with my life and I have never been more excited for my life to start =)