Saturday, July 17, 2010

Stephen, TB test, Bryce

So I havent posted in awhile so I thought I would update everyone on whats going on in my life. I am in school to become a nurse an LPN to be exact and its crazy and I am now super busy with homework and learning all of the medical terms (there is seriously a million of them) but I am having a blast doing it. In order to work in health care you are required to get a TB test. I am deathly afraid of needles the last time I went to get a TB test was my senior year of high school. I passed out and threw up and that was just when i saw the needle not even when they stuck it into me. So as I started going to school I was required to get a TB test needless to say I was a mess. I went with a couple of people from my class and they had no problem but I brought my aunt with me to hold my hand since i was freaking out. we went in and explained to the nurse that i passed out etc so they had me lay down while they went and got the "crash cart" in case anything did happen. my aunt and I sat down held hands and said a prayer that I would be able to do this without a problem. I laid down they cleaned it said one two three and it was over. I didnt pass out or throw up I was just a little shaky so I sat there for a couple of minutes and then walked out of there with no problem. It was amazing and I was so excited that i survived I had like ten texts from people in my class asking if i was ok and if i had passed out. So we will see if I test positive or negative for TB on monday. But at least its over with.

I got to see my brother Stephen for the first time in almost a year and a half, on thursday. He was up visiting my grandparents so I went over to see him after class. I didnt recognize him at first he had gotten so tall! I stayed for dinner and we caught up on what was going on in each others lives I told him about me going on a mission and he told me he has a girlfriend! it was strange to think of my little brother as having a girlfriend he shouldnt be that old! lol It was nice to see him again though and I enjoyed it.

So last but not least I have a bunch of people asking me if its true or not and speculating about it so yes Bryce Tadd and I are dating each other. There now you all know lol Yes I am still planning on going on a mission, yes we are doing the long distance thing. But we feel like being together is right and that it will work out. so there now its out lol.

so I hope that you all have a wonderful week!

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