Wednesday, June 9, 2010

o savior stay this night with me behold tis eventide

I attend an institute class called doctrines of the hymns. Music has always been a huge part of my life since the whole reason that I danced was to express what I thought the music was saying to me. Music has been what has gotten me through the hardest times in my life. Tonight we were talking about comfort and how heavenly father never leaves you alone. My teacher asked us to think of a song that helps us when we are in our darkest moments. Through the past year and a half I have had to learn some very hard lessons and I cant count the hours I spent on my knees crying and talking to god about what was going on. But on the darkest nights and when I felt the most hopeless and that I couldnt possibly bear any more pain or heartache or sorrow the following hymn was the only thing that could make the feeling going away

Abide with me; 'tis eventide.
The day is past and gone;
The shadows of the evening fall;
The night is coming on.
Within my heart a welcome guest,
Within my home abide.

O Savior, stay this night with me;
Behold, 'tis eventide.
O Savior, stay this night with me;
Behold, 'tis eventide.

Abide with me; 'tis eventide.
Thy walk today with me
Has made my heart within me burn,
As I communed with thee.
Thy earnest words have filled my soul
And kept me near thy side.

Abide with me; 'tis eventide,
And lone will be the night
If I cannot commune with thee
Nor find in thee my light.
The darkness of the world, I fear,
Would in my home abide.

Now my lessons and sorrows and hurts are different but I still gain so much comfort especially from the words o savior stay this night with me behold tis even tide o savior stay this night with me. I cant count how many times I felt the presence of my savior on those dark nights where I didnt think I could handle things anymore. I am so thankful that I can ask for that comfort and that our savior is loving and cares for each of us so much that he would comfort me even when its nothing compared to what he had to go through. I am so grateful for those institute, relief society and sunday school lessons where you feel the spirt so strongly that you dont know whether to cry or be overjoyed or both. I am so grateful that I have an amazing institute teacher who is willing to take what he learns with his work from the mormon tabernacle choir and share with others. I am thankful.

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